Forest Fun for the under 5's
We run sessions at Brownhill Nature Garden, Dobcross. Text us for details as we often have a break over the Winter period.
In our 2 hour sessions your child might have the opportunity to:
Hear a story and join in
Make a natural craft
Play games
Share a snack and drink
Explore the woodland
Meet new friends
Play and do their own thing
Have fun!
Our sessions are a meeting place for parents, carers and child-minders too, where everyone gets a warm drink, a snack and time to chat. Little brothers and sisters are welcome.
Sessions take place in all weathers so please come dressed appropriately. We recommend long sleeves and trousers on all but the warmest days, extra layers when its cold and sun hats and sun cream when its hot. Please bring a change of clothes- there are rivers at our sites.
Please book your place online so that we can prepare resources for everyone- discounts available for half term bookings.